ASU Drone Studio


ASU Drone Studio timeline

April 2018

DURIP award earned by Panos Artemiadis seeds funding for the ASU Drone Studio

December 2018

ASU Drone Studio opens

August 2019

Management of the ASU Drone Studio is taken over by the School of CIDSE (now SCAI); Stephanie Gil appointed as Studio director.

August 2020

ASU Drone Studio resumes operations after shut-down due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

January 2021

ASU Drone Studio opens to additional members of the ASU community and government and industry partners as a recharge center, allowing new ASU and external partners to reserve the ASU Drone Studio at hourly rates.


Inspired by innovative thinking and enterprising research goals, the Drone Studio is a premier testbed for drone research collaboration and learning. From studying integrated communications systems for autonomous vehicles to biomechanics and human motion, the instrumented space is a hub for highly collaborative and interdisciplinary research of advanced drone technologies.

ASU Drone Studio timeline

April 2018

DURIP award earned by Panos Artemiadis seeds funding for the ASU Drone Studio

December 2018

ASU Drone Studio opens

August 2019

Management of the ASU Drone Studio is taken over by the School of CIDSE (now SCAI); Stephanie Gil appointed as Studio director.

August 2020

ASU Drone Studio resumes operations after shut-down due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

January 2021

ASU Drone Studio opens to additional members of the ASU community and government and industry partners as a recharge center, allowing new ASU and external partners to reserve the ASU Drone Studio at hourly rates.

Explore the ASU Drone Studio gallery

ASU Drone Studio Faculty Committee

ASU Drone Studio staff

ASU Drone Studio in the media

ASU Drone Studio

611 E. Orange St.
Tempe, AZ 85281
Bulldog Hall (BDH) 143/145


Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) award

Fulton Schools faculty contributions

Office of the Dean, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering

ASU Drone Studio Committee

The ASU Drone Studio is managed by the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at ASU.