
New AI for a new era of discovery

New AI for a new era of discovery

Assistant professor of computer science and engineering Kookjin Lee will create a machine learning system to help discover new scientific laws

Engineering an identity

Engineering an identity

The Fulton Schools celebrates the award-winning College Avenue Commons as the 10-year home of civil, environmental, sustainable and construction engineering programs

Making magic happen

Making magic happen

ASU’s Theme Park Engineering and Design club comprises students from across ASU who share a passion for the themed entertainment industry

AI-powered medicine

AI-powered medicine

ASU researchers are using artificial intelligence to speed up diagnosis, unlock new treatments and access new data sources

Mapping a new field

Mapping a new field

Beomjin Kwon receives a 2024 NSF CAREER Award to track data during heat transfer through artificial intelligence

Charging up the future

Charging up the future

Houqiang Fu received a 2024 NSF CAREER award to improve the efficiency and reliability of power electronics using aluminum nitride.