Students enrolled in the Professional Flight program are familiar with the five flight simulators housed in the Simulator Building. These state-of-the-art simulators prepare students to take flight before setting foot in an airplane.

The Air Traffic Control program has a simulator room on the second floor, so students gain experience before they intern at a live air traffic control tower.

The building also houses several large laboratories, most of them “high bay” space, for the engineering technology programs. From machining to welding to metrology, students get practical experience in building automotive, aeronautical, and manufacturing technologies in these well-equipped labs. Faculty and staff offices are located on the second floor.

More information

ASU Interactive Map
ASU Tour Website

Fulton Schools facilities
Air Traffic Control program simulator room
Professional Flight program flight simulators

Street Address
7442 E. Tillman Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85212

Building Code

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