AIMS Center works to solve large-scale problems that benefit the economy and society through research on intelligent materials and adaptive systems.
National security
ASU Center for Semiconductor Microelectronics
ACME focuses on research on devices, circuits and architectures, through strategic collaborations with industry partners.
Center for Accelerating Operational Efficiency
CAOE develops and applies advanced analytical tools and technologies to enhance planning, information sharing and real-time decision-making in homeland security operations.
Center for Assured and Scalable Data Engineering
CASCADE bridges industry and academia, translating research in data processing and analysis into impactful technological solutions for sectors like energy, healthcare, security and finance.
Center for Biocomputing, Security and Society
CBSS translates insights between computer science and biology to understand and mitigate malicious behavior in complex systems, with application in managing cancer and repairing cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
Center for Cybersecurity and Trusted Foundations
CTF focuses on developing the next generation of cyber-reasoning systems that can automatically find vulnerabilities, synthesize exploits, and create patches of real-world software.
Center for Embedded Systems
CES enables sensing, communications, computing, and control in everyday objects, with applications in many areas, including personalized healthcare, consumer electronics, aerospace, industrial automation, automotive and transportation and security.
Center for Wireless Information Systems and Computational Architectures
WISCA aids the development of advanced fluid protocols and mixed software-defined radios with hardware accelerators, based at ASU.
Center of Excellence in Future Generation Wireless Technology
COE-FutureG aims to foster an environment conducive to research, education, knowledge dissemination, and workforce development, geared towards bolstering the U.S. military’s technological superiority in Future Generation Wireless Technology.
Connection One
Connection One’s research focuses on developing technologies for cellular, environmental and defense applications.
Global Security Initiative
GSI is committed to advancing research in support of national and global security.
Metis Center for Infrastructure and Sustainable Engineering
Metis Center at ASU focuses on learning how engineered and built systems are integrated with natural and human systems.
National Center of Excellence on SMART Innovations
NCE SMART at ASU seeks to quantify complex climate-energy system interactions and develop cost effective solutions to reduce negative impacts.
Navrotsky Eyring Center for Materials of the Universe
MotU attracts and inspires scientists across all STEM fields as it synergistically applies materials research methods and explores alien and extreme conditions and environments with the expectation of discovering new, useful materials and understanding the formation and evolution of planets.
Secure, Trusted, and Assured Microelectronics Center
STAM focuses on active investigations of new microelectronics in the expanding landscape of the semiconductor industry.
Sensor, Signal and Information Processing Center
SenSIP an ASU research center advances next-generation integrated multidisciplinary sensing applications in various fields.
Southwest Advanced Prototyping Hub
The Southwest Advanced Prototyping Hub, or SWAP Hub, is a microelectronics innovation and prototyping hub funded by the 2022 CHIPS and Science Act, based at ASU.