AMCII aims to improve patient care by developing innovative therapeutic technologies, imaging acquisitions, imaging analytic tools, machine learning, and artificial intelligence algorithms.
Health and Medicine
Building Reliable Advances and Innovation in Neurotechnology
BRAIN centers on an innovation ecosystem that studies human interaction with medical device technologies.
Center for Adaptive Neural Systems
Driven by the needs of potential users, engineers and scientists at ANS are creating technology to offset the effects of spinal cord injury, orthopedic injury, Parkinson’s disease and cerebral palsy.
Center for Biomaterials Innovation and Translation
CBIT will transform the design, discovery and engineering of biomaterials, leading to translational technologies for advancing human health.
Center for Biosignatures Discovery Automation*
CBDA studies cell dynamics in diseases, technology for measuring cellular events and microorganisms’ responses to harsh environmental changes.
Center for Cognitive Ubiquitous Computing
CUbiC facilitates multimedia computing through sensing and processing, recognition and learning, interaction and delivery to develop applications for assistive, rehabilitative and healthcare applications.
Center for Environmental Health Engineering
CEHS aims to better understand and manage key environmental determinants of human health and global sustainability.
Center for Research Advancing Racial Equity, Justice and Sociotechnical Innovation Centered in Engineering
RARE JUSTICE is a nexus at ASU focused on the research and implementation of anti-racist technologies, educational practices and impact.
Swette Center for Environmental Biotechnology
The Swette Center at ASU manages microbial communities that promote the environmental sustainability of our society.
Water and Environmental Technology Center
WET promotes molecular and environmental research aimed at enhancing the quality of water.