AzCATI harnesses algae technology to produce renewable energy, food, feed and other valuable products.

AzCATI harnesses algae technology to produce renewable energy, food, feed and other valuable products.
The ASU-Starbucks Center emphasizes research on developing greener stores, community betterment, food and wellness, and innovation test stores.
CBBG focuses on biologically based design and sustainability to develop ecologically friendly, cost-effective solutions, inspired by nature, for development and rehabilitation of resilient and sustainable civil infrastructure systems.
The BB Center aims to develop next-generation platforms to improve technologies in the health industries.
CAMMS aims to advance breakthrough technologies toward sustainable and efficient infrastructural materials manufacturing and infrastructure construction.
EVSTS aims to yield transformational improvements in the energy efficiency and environmental sustainability of ground vehicles.
CEHS aims to better understand and manage key environmental determinants of human health and global sustainability.
CHI focuses on water science and engineering that advances the mission of water managers and decision-makers for the benefit of industry and society.
CNCE focuses on developing the next generation of carbon management technologies with a focus on carbon recycling and disposal and the economic and policy implications of air capture.
TOMNET is an ASU research center that focuses on developing and advancing transportation forecasting models for mobility of people and goods.
COE/E is funded by USAID with the support of the American people with a goal to advance Egypt’s energy transition to aid the country in reaching its target of utilizing 42% renewable energy by 2035.
Electrified Processes for Industry Without Carbon – EPIXC is the DOE’s 7th Clean Energy Manufacturing Innovation Institute, based at ASU.
The HyPT Center establishes an international partnership of six countries to formulate a pathway to low-cost large-scale net-zero hydrogen production.
NEWT works on water treatment systems that facilitate access to clean water anywhere.
NCE SMART at ASU seeks to quantify complex climate-energy system interactions and develop cost effective solutions to reduce negative impacts.
PSERC research at ASU addresses new energy sources as well as complex and diverse problems faced by the electric power industry.
QESST emphasizes research that provides improvement in the efficiency, economic viability and sustainability of photovoltaic systems.
The SWPT is a collaborative platform to form a pavement alliance in the region and bridge the gap between university research and industry.
Southwest Urban Corridor Integrated Field Laboratory seeks to engage stakeholders and provide scientists and decision makers with high-quality, relevant knowledge capable of spurring and guiding responses to environmental concerns.