Kathy and Scott King are dedicated to supporting ASU’s future engineers and problem-solvers.

Kathy and Scott King are dedicated to supporting ASU’s future engineers and problem-solvers.
Congratulations to the 2,206 Fall 2024 graduates of the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering!
New members’ achievements exemplify ASU engineering’s pursuit of excellence and aspiration to serve society.
Fulton Schools spinout company EnKoat has engineered a rooftop coating that lowers a building’s heat … and energy bills.
Tejas Gokhale takes the lessons he learned from Fulton Schools faculty and applies them to his own career in academia.
After co-founding a $200 million software company, successful Fulton Schools graduate Tim Cope turns his focus to philanthropy.
ASU’s Del E. Webb School of Construction prepares the next generation of construction leaders using modern technology and hands-on experience.
Equipped with the strong foundation in mechanical engineering gained from ASU, Jacob Tetlow has had a successful career despite his humble beginnings.
ASU’s Interplanetary Initiative is celebrating a range of graduating students who have contributed to and benefited from its diverse educational programs
Community college transfers celebrate their academic achievements highlighting the impact of the MyPath2ASU program
The Fulton Schools celebrates the award-winning College Avenue Commons as the 10-year home of civil, environmental, sustainable and construction engineering programs
How ASU materials science and engineering alumua Cindy Rogel Bahena blazed a trail with help from her mentors
Fulton Schools alumnus Tyler Jiemback’s capstone project robot comes to life in Lallemand Baking’s facility, enhancing the functionality and automation of the baking process
Fifth-generation Arizona native sheds light on the Southwest’s water supply to address questions about habitability in the Southwest
The ASU Google Developer Student Club helps students interested in software engineering gain the skills and networks to succeed in a competitive industry
Meet the our Fall 2023 featured graduates, honored because they embodied academic excellence, leadership and community service during their time in the Fulton Schools.
Honored alumni include Jon Bayless, George Beakley Jr., Armand Neukermans and Margaret Woodward
Fulton Schools students are part of ASU siblings groups who exemplify public service at ASU
Transportation and traffic engineering alumni duo Rumpa Dey and Sanjay Paul earn awards and credit the ASU community for their success