
Authenticating audio against AI

Authenticating audio against AI

OriginStory, a technology developed by ASU researchers to authenticate speech as human, received an award from the U.S. FTC AI Voice Cloning Challenge

Essential Reading

Essential Reading

Overcoming hardship, unlocking personal potential, facing climate catastrophe and a pandemic are among the topics of books recommended by Fulton Schools faculty and staff

New AI for a new era of discovery

New AI for a new era of discovery

Assistant professor of computer science and engineering Kookjin Lee will create a machine learning system to help discover new scientific laws

Engineering an identity

Engineering an identity

The Fulton Schools celebrates the award-winning College Avenue Commons as the 10-year home of civil, environmental, sustainable and construction engineering programs

Making magic happen

Making magic happen

ASU’s Theme Park Engineering and Design club comprises students from across ASU who share a passion for the themed entertainment industry