2024 Year in Review

No urge to scream, and entirely fueled by caffeine,
With the end in sight, the coder felt almost serene.
With applications in all disciplines, efforts often unseen,
The future is bright when initiatives are scalable and green.
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# === Sustainability ===
print("\nInitializing category: Sustainability")
sustainability_definition = "Committing to scalable, interdisciplinary engineering initiatives to ensure a sustainable future."
print(f"Definition: {sustainability_definition}")
sustainabilityImpact = "Creating a culture and community that commits to sustainable solutions across all disciplines. Our researchers are using engineering and technology innovations to address global environmental challenges. From reducing carbon emissions to resource management, researchers are exploring alternative opportunities to achieve green, scalable solutions."
print(f"Impact: {sustainabilityImpact}")
year_in_review["highlights"]["Sustainability"] = [ {
title: "Emerging machine learning expert leads Kenya AI workshop"
excerpt: "Gedeon Muhawenayo is on the front lines of AI research, helping tackle the planet’s most pressing problems."},
{title: "Engineering low-carbon building materials"
excerpt: "A new Fulton Schools research center is focusing on developing methods to end the harmful environmental impacts of manufacturing major construction materials."},
{title: "How can cities go green to beat the heat?"
excerpt: "ASU researchers pioneered first-of-its-kind research to understand how green spaces and irrigation can reduce the urban heat island effect and carbon emissions."},
{title: "Engineering equitable solutions for the food-water-energy nexus"
excerpt: "ASU researcher Sergi Garcia-Segura is making waves in water accessibility through novel interdisciplinary approaches."},
{title: "ASU researchers develop new tech to help mitigate carbon emissions"
excerpt: "Mani Modayil Korah and Matthew Green earn U.S. Department of Energy support to help curb climate change with innovative carbon capture technology."},
{title: "Student research supports semiconductor sustainability"
excerpt: "TSMC-sponsored student research projects through FURI aim to improve semiconductor sustainability in use and manufacturing practices."}]