
2024 Year in Review

The sun now long gone, Coder was now on their third
Coffee of the evening. This was getting absurd.

“Should I stop?” they pondered. “What about my health?”
They’d spare coffee #4 til the clock struck twelve.

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# === Health ===
print("\nInitializing category: Health")
health_definition = "Discovering future solutions in health research through interdisciplinary collaboration to address critical health challenges."
print(f"Definition: {health_definition}")

healthImpact = "Researchers are leveraging artificial intelligence and advanced engineering for medical diagnostics and assistive technologies to improve the quality of life for aging populations and explore novel manufacturing techniques for biomedical applications. Partnerships, such as the ASU-Mayo Clinic collaboration, underscore a commitment to driving medical entrepreneurship and enhancing patient care through cross-sector innovation."
print(f"Impact: {healthImpact}")

year_in_review["highlights"]["Health"] = [

title: “ASU, Mayo Clinic forge a new health innovation program”
excerpt: “ASU-Mayo Clinic leads to $2.7M National Institutes of Health grant for heart attack recovery research.”},
{title: “Harnessing the benefits of stem cells for heart regeneration” 
excerpt: “Nikkhah and Zhu are exploring stem cell transplantation to repair and possibly regenerate damaged myocardium, or heart tissue.”},
{title: “Advancing technology for a population advancing in years”
excerpt: “ASU researchers are using artificial intelligence to improve Alzheimer’s disease treatment, non-invasive health monitoring and independence for older adults.”},
{title: “Using AI to help people see more clearly”
excerpt: “ASU researchers use artificial intelligence to improve treatment outcomes for those suffering from the world’s leading cause of vision loss.”},
{title: “Perfecting the pulse of haptics”
excerpt: “Hasti Seifi, an assistant professor of computer science, has been awarded the 2024 Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award from the National Science Foundation for her work in making touch technologies more accessible.”},
{title: “Innovating how industries manufacture everyday products”
excerpt: “Xiangjia “Cindy” Li is developing a multi-material 3D printing approach for scalable additive manufacturing of bioinspired heterogeneous materials.”}]