A year in review
Fulton Schools Marketing and Communications

The following is a recap of 2024 for the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, told in a format that honors the storytelling, creativity and poetry innate in coding.
Inspired by the poem “The Night Before Christmas” by Clement Clarke Moore, the reader will follow the journey of a student hurrying to finish an assignment the night before it is due. Through code errors and coffee breaks, the student learns the true spirit of engineering and not to procrastinate.

‘Twas the night before the deadline and all through the lab,
Not a creature was stirring, except for a grad.
Hoping the task wouldn’t be an all-nighter, they generated a code.
Work not harder, but smarter.
Their task: Recap the highlights of the 2024 year,
For all to reminisce and spread Fulton Schools cheer.
So they crafted a new project, a ’23 Git rebase
From ChatGPT, no need to copy and paste.
Compiling the code, commits pushed straight to main.
They typed and debugged, functions referenced by name.
“Now, Python! Now, R! Now, Rust and JavaScript!
On, PHP! On, MATLAB! On, C++ and Swift!”
“Categorize by research thrusts to share,
Data, education, energy, and health with care.”
“Security, sustainability and semiconductors stand tall,
Advancing innovation to benefit all!”
At once the grad knew, striking and true,
It was a mistake to start the night before due.